Abelbeck Aviation Checklist


The Abelbeck Aviation Checklist (AAC) toolbox is meant as an additional, INOFFICIAL tool. It DOES NOT replace or override the official checklists and the flight manual accompaning your aircraft. All official procedures take precedence in any case and it is your responsibility to comply with them.

The AAC toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


This web application shows checklists. You can check each item, and sometimes you can enter values like fuel volumes, or times. If you have checked all items on a list, the logical next one (as defined in the checklist HTML file) is presented.

At the top, several fields for typical values announced over radio are displayed. You can click on them to enter a new value or delete the current one.

The list of alredy-checked lists, the theme mode, and any user-modified variable are saved in the URL. Intermediate checklist states are not preserved due to safety reasons (suspending and resuming checklists is error-prone).

If loaded without query parameters (=URL string after the first question mark), an overview of all known checklists is shown. The checklists are announced by an entry in the index.json file in the checklist directory. If at least the callsign query is present ("?.callsign=CALLSIGN"), the checklists for that callsign are shown (if they exist).

With a click on the checklist's heading you get an overview of all similar checklists (either normal or emergency procedures). With a click on an overview's heading (either normal or emergency procedures) you are taken back to the currently selected checklist.

The footer buttons offer the following functions (left to right):

The menu offers the following options:


You can try it out in the example area.

current release
1128.8 kiB
ab68 6498 8c74 0d16 6ba0 85e8 bc7b 0ed7 dbd3 bdf7 1635 1a86 305f 8a8e 650e 4e48

Extract the file to a new directory and let a webserver serve the files in it. You can do this by calling python -m http.server in the new directory (Android users can achieve this with Termux). Open the served index.html file in your browser.

AAC comes with an example checklist file example.de.html. This is a plain text file (UTF-8 encoded). You can use this file as a pattern for your own checklists.

Although it is a purely local web application, serving is needed for various reasons. For one, loading a local file with included local resources is considered an error by most browsers, as noted in this MDN article. Second, mobile operating systems won't permit unrestricted local file access – either you create a one-file monolithic app or you need a server.

Please note that AAC only works with a localhost server or a secure remote server. This is due to security limitations in modern browsers (see this MDN article). If you try to use it over unsecure http, it will show errors, because basic building blocks like randomUUID or the Lock API won't be available.

added inheritance to checklist files



All graphic files in the media/ subdirectory are provided under the terms and conditions of the Create Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. You are free to share and adapt the material under the following terms:

For further details visit the creativecommons.org license page.


Copyright 2024 Frank Abelbeck

The Abelbeck Aviation Checklist (AAC) toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The AAC toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

An HTML version of the GNU General Public License 3 text is available on this website or on the official gnu.org site.